Deb TouchFREE Ultra Dispenser Black, Stand Black, & 1 Refill of 1000ml Microsan Encore Foam (Complete Kit)
Deb TouchFREE Ultra Dispenser Black, Stand Black, & 1 Refill of 1000ml Microsan Encore Foam (Complete Kit)
- Dispenser: Compact designed, power efficient touch free dispensing system for use with Deb foaming hand hygiene products.
- Stand: Provides excellent flexibility in meeting the unique sanitation needs of your facility, ideal for entry ways and exits
- Microsan Encore: Used for superior foam quality. Gentler to the skin, more effectively kills bacteria and makes hands feel fresh and clean. provides an exceptional after-feel which promotes greater usage frequency, better hygiene, and improved compliance. 72% Ethanol/Alcohol Foam Handrub
- Kit Includes: 1 Dispenser Black, 1 Stand Black, 1 Refill 1000ml Microsan Encore