DJ79-80035 Procare Super Knee Splint 1/EA
DJ79-80035 Procare Super Knee Splint 1/EA
A comfortable and sturdy knee splint that features alternating web straps and loop lock contact.
- Comfortable.
- Sturdy.
- With alternating web straps and loop/lock contact closure.
- Medial/lateral I-beam stay.
- Adjustable foam pop pad.
- Material: Foam/mesh construction.
Additional Information:
- Ergonomic location: Knee
- Composition / Ingredient: Foam; Mesh
- Brand: Procare Super
- Feature / Property: Sturdy, Medial/Lateral I-Beam Stay, Three Double Bend Posterior Stay, Adjustable Foam Pop Pad, with Alternating Web Strap/Loop/Lock Contact Closure for Immobilization of Knee Joint
- Size: Medium
- Length: 24"
- 1/EA