TC-MNSVS21B30 - Surshield Safety Winged Blood Collection Set, 21GA x 3/4" 50EA/BX


TC-MNSVS21B30 - Surshield Safety Winged Blood Collection, Set 21GA x 3/4" 50EA/BX

The soft, flexible, interlocking wing, conform to the body's contour. The needle is bonded to the wings at just under a 3 degree angle for less risk of vessel damage

  • The coil resistant tubing reduces recoil during use.
  • Press shield over the needle until it locks into place.
  • Minimize the risk of needle stick injuries.
  • With attached multi-sample luer adapter.
  • DEHP-free.
  • Latex content: Latex-Free
  • Brand: Surshield
  • Needle Length: 3/4"
  • Outer Diameter: 21GA
  • Tube Length: 12"
  • Feature/Property: Safety/Soft/Flexible/Interlocking Wings, Coil Resistant Tubing, DEHP-Free, with Attached Multi-Sample Luer adapter
  • 50EA/BX

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